Monday, January 7, 2019

Carole D's Clue 7 and the Big Reveal!

Although I got a small start on Clue 7 after it was released in the middle of the week, I still have a lot of it to do.  Also, even though the finished layout has been revealed and the borders explained, it will be a good while before I get around to that part of this quilt.

Two of my three kitties have had to go to the vet, and one has to go back for 4 teeth to be extracted.  I have a card-making workshop to attend, a check-up with my allergist, and lots of Christmas decorations to finish packing away and storing in the garage.  These things are going to have to take priority over quilting this week.

Here are my two practice blocks for Clue 7, and my stacks of finished blocks and arranged-for-sewing blocks which await my attention.

To view the progress of other quilters and to see some of the mystery quilt tops that have already been finished,


  1. I'm sorry to hear of your kitties problems. I hope they will be alright. I am spending a lot of time sewing but am far from being finished. I don't know how some people can come up with finished quilts so soon after the reveal.
