Monday, February 11, 2019

Good Fortune - A COMPLETED quilt!

Gradually, doing small amounts of work at a time, the quilt progressed and now it is finished and ready to go onto a bed!

Free-motion quilting
 on the Handi-Quilter Sweet Sixteen

Inspection of the completed quilt by two of my three feline quilt inspectors.

Close-up of the border quilting

The label, quilted along with the whole quilt

To see the progress of other quilters working on the Good Fortune mystery quilt

#goodfortunequilt   #quiltvillemystery


  1. Nice to add the white border and I love your feathers. Congrats on your FINISH.

  2. Congratulations! It looks wonderful. The extra borders frame it nicely.

  3. What a fabulous finish!! Nice job on up-sizing the quilt. LOVE those big, floppy feathers in the outer border!
